Mythical creatures

Dragons fire the imagination

Dragons don't exist, they are creatures from the realm of fantasy, yet we know from many depictions what a dragon should look like. The dragons in "Game of Thrones" are THE eye-catcher - what would the series be without them?

Dragons are huge, have wings and a snake-like body covered with scales. They are strong, feared and defeat any opponent, they have paws with claws and fearsome fangs. Fly and spit fire - death and damnation. In the Middle Ages, people were afraid that dragons would reduce their villages to rubble. At least, that's how it is depicted in fairy tales and legends.

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Dragons and their images

Depictions of dragon-like winged creatures have embellished people's dwellings ever since there have been humans. Already in cave drawings there are sketches of monsters that look like dragons.

Later, in the Middle Ages, they still spread fear and terror. Like the knights, whose shields had pictures of dragons on them. The pommel of a sword could also look like a dragon's head or claw, making it seem particularly frightening. The idea of taming a dragon or even making friends with one is something we encounter again and again in fairy tales, legends, Neflix series and Disney films.

Our dragon pendants are made of pewter and embellish any medieval outfit. Look around you, noble travelers from the far reaches of the Internet!

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